Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Haunted Forest

Volunteered to chaperon 60 kids 5th thru 8th grade on an outing to the Haunted Forest. Oh my did I forget how we used to scream at that age! Ok this was not scary at all. Kinda dumb really but those kids had a blast and yes were actually scared. Go figure.

Gab placed 2nd in the 100 free

Ok, I missed it. I am so frustrated about it because I took the wront turn getting to the school. Ok I have to say also it is not all my fault. Gab was told that she was going to be swimming the 100 back, which is later on in the meet, not the 100 free which is the first event! Oh well, next week I know where the school is and we are determined not to miss it!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Got the interview!!

Ok, we finally connected and I have my interview on Monday, Nov.3! Yippee, I am hoping that it will all work out! We'll keep you posted.

Monday, October 27, 2008


Ok, about a month ago I applied with the Omaha Public Schools to work in food service. Have not heard a thing until this morning. Now we are playing phone tag, they are it! The position is part time but it pays almost $3 more an hour then I am making at the YMCA. Also it would put me at home when the kids were and off when they were too. So I am hoping that I have a good interview and that it will work out. I'll keep you posted.

We were burglarized!

I so can not believe this. Alex, Jesus and I left to pick up the other kids and left the door unlocked for Gabby when she got home from school and in our absence some selfish, troubled people or person stole from us. Poor Gab, she came home to an open front and back door and the refrigerator was open too. She closed the doors then walked to my room and turned the tv on and started her homework. She said that a little while later she heard some footsteps and walked into the living room to find that the front door was once again opened. SCARY!! She did not see anyone nor they her. The police and I think that they were downstairs when she got home and let themselves out when they thought she would not see them. In some ways good thing she was deaf and did not investigate further. We got home shortly after that and Roly a little while later. He went to put his stuff away and got really mad asking who had been in his room and why they had taken all his games for the game cube. We explained to him that no one was home, and that is when I asked Gab if she had been in the room. She said no and then told me what she had found when she got home. Then we all started to look around and noticed things missing. All the kid's gameboys (4 in all) were taken with the exception of Genaro's because it was not in plain sight. Games that went with them and Rojelio also discovered he was missing his turtle bank and his packets of hot chocolate. Carmen was missing her money she had left on her dresser and her shoe purse which was stocked full of candy and her braclet. She was not happy about her candy being gone! Gabby was missing a ceramic bear and a Mark McQuire baseball card. Jesus was so upset because he had just purchased his gameboy advanced sp two weeks ago. Well the police could not dust for finger prints because of course we touched everything. Go figure you would think that we would remember after watching CSI. Such is life we get keys for the kids now and no more leaving the door unlocked. I am so thankful that Gabby was watched over and that nothing bad happened. Just yesterday the kids took the card out of the direct tv and when they put it back in it would not work, thus the reason Gabby went to my room to watch tv. Things happen for a reason, had the tv been working Gab would have done her homework in the living room and who knows what would have played out then. The kids took it in strides, I think they were more angry and frustrated then anything. The perps also messed with our birds and the kids didn't like that either. So no more unlocked doors and more thanks to Heavenly Father for protecting my family.

Sick today.

Saturday we went over to Council Bluffs to the Mid-America Center for their Treat Street Halloween party. The kids had a blast playing games and getting candy. Alex wasn't feeling well then and wanted to go home. Yesterday he was running all over and then coughing all night. Today he has the "sick eyes" so I kept him home. He slept from 9am until 12:15 when I had to get him up to teach swim lessons. He is now resting and watching Ice Age. Hope he gets to feeling better.

Happy Fall!

Fall is my favorite time of year. I love the crispness of the air and the leaves changing colors and them falling to the ground then raked into big piles to jump into! Pumpkin pie and apple spice are some of the smells that I associate with Fall. Hay rack rides and bonfires are a part of our Fall traditions. What do you like about Fall?

Jesus and Roly

Jesus and Roly
and the older boys are at this end


if ya look closely you can see Alex

Genaro and Ally

Genaro and Ally
Wow, that is interesting!

funny eh?

funny eh?
Vicki and Flor sand Genaro

wanna drink?

wanna drink?
my niece Michel

like father like daughter

like father like daughter
Carmen and Papa

The hay fight

The hay fight




hmmm how long is this going to take? I'm hungry!

Gerrero, Flor, Michel

Gerrero, Flor, Michel
hmmm burnt marshmellows, yum daddy!