Friday, August 28, 2009

Zucchini, zucchini, zucchini.........

We have so much of it. Everyone is getting tired of eating it. That doesn't take long because not everyone in the family likes it. After reading some posts on facebook and the mention of brownies I decided to try some recipes. Zucchini brownies! NOT! The kids did not like them, and neither did I. So that will not become a fav for us. Next on the list is chocolate zucchini cake. We shall see how that turns out. Let's hope better, or Vicky will have an abundance of snacks to eat! Seeing as how she was the only one that liked it!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Fremont Lakes

We have lived in Omaha for about 14 and 1/2 years or so and have never been out to Fremont Lakes. So on Sunday Genaro wanted to check out some trucks out there. We decided that we would make it a family outing. I thought it was too cold to go swimming so we did not bring anything for that but brought along the fishing poles and some snacks. We called a friend of ours that lives out there and stopped by to see them. They said they had just been at the lake and it was great. They loaned us some swim suits (had something for everyone!!) and we all took off. The kids had a great time. They loved playing in the water and on the beach.

Alex made a new friend with some dog and enjoyed throwing the Frisbee out to him!

Alexis and Gabby and Roly built a sand man, with the help of the other kids!

We came back a little burnt and tired but happy!

Sleep Over

Over the years we have had many people move in and out of the house across the street. A few times there have been other kids but not to many. Well last year a family moved in that had two children. One Carmen's age and the other Jesus' age. Over the summer they have become good friends and have enjoyed hanging out together. The kids all have similar interests and enjoy playing with everyone not just Carmen and Jesus. Alex loves playing football with the boy!!! He has occasionally gone on walks when he walks the dog and Alex just thinks that is the bomb!! The other night the kids spent the night at our house and all night long there was giggling. No not from the girls but from the boys!! It was hilarious! You expected that from the girls but not from the boys! It was such a nice change from people wanting to go home because we didn't play video/computer games all night or because they could not handle the smaller children or wanting to play things that I felt were inappropriate. Besides not sleeping till the wee hours the kids had a good time.

Happy Birthday Alex and Jesus!!!

Well Aug. 7th brought on the double birthday day! Jesus turned 12 and Alex 7. We ended up having two different parties. Jesus' was thrown together because he neglected to tell me about the friend he had invited and so we threw together a cake and a BBQ. His friend was going to spend the night but decided that our house was to boring for him and asked to go home! LOL Sorry dude. Two days later we had another BBQ and Alex had some friends over. This went much better because it was planned and Jesus' other friend that could not come over when Jesus celebrated his birthday also made it, along with a friend from high school and her family. It was really nice. The food was good and the company great! The boys wanted money for their birthdays so that made gifts easy and they enjoyed spending it! My friend Jen bought them socks and yes I know some people feel that should not be a gift, but my boys were thrilled!!!!Here's to another year boys!!! FELIZ CUMPLEANOS!!!!

Jesus and Roly

Jesus and Roly
and the older boys are at this end


if ya look closely you can see Alex

Genaro and Ally

Genaro and Ally
Wow, that is interesting!

funny eh?

funny eh?
Vicki and Flor sand Genaro

wanna drink?

wanna drink?
my niece Michel

like father like daughter

like father like daughter
Carmen and Papa

The hay fight

The hay fight




hmmm how long is this going to take? I'm hungry!

Gerrero, Flor, Michel

Gerrero, Flor, Michel
hmmm burnt marshmellows, yum daddy!