Christmases weren't always without their rocky starts or ends. It was harder as we got older wanting to be more with friends. How little we valued our family, thank goodness we have grown and recognized the value in them. As I started to have my family I realized that there are a lot of stresses involved in Christmas. From the extra money needed for gifts and parties, lack of work due to the weather, long distances from family etc. etc. I wanted and needed to be free of these stresses. That is kinda hard to do, and often I would feel like my family was missing out because of a choice I had made. I can say that not all my choices have been the best, but I know I am trying and I know my kids know I am trying to teach them that Christmas is not about all the hoop-a-la, presents, santa, etc. etc. but it is about our Savior, Jesus Christ and His birth. Our older Brother and what gifts he has given to us, what we can share with others. As this Christmas season approaches I hope that one tradition my kids will remember is that they feel the love of their Savior and Heavenly Father. That they will remember His birth and draw closer to Him, and emulate Him in their lives. That not only they take the time now to remember and reflect but that all the time is the time to remember. To emulate Him throughout the year throughout their lives. In the midst of everything there is hope, love and joy through Him our Savior Jesus Christ.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Christmas time traditions
Christmas holds many traditions in our family. I love traditions and hope that I am making some for my family that they will pass on to their children as they make traditions of their own. While growing up we put the tree up on mom's birthday, Dec. 11. I liked that because it wasn't to early and still time to enjoy. Another thing we did was bake!! Dad would make Grandma Bilgrens frying pan fudge, popcorn balls, and pumpkin pie. We also made turtle cookies ( these were made all year) We would open one present on Christmas Eve, usually one by our grandparents or Jo and Gary. On Christmas day we could open our stockings but weren't allowed to touch the presents until mom and dad got up. When they were up dad would hand out the presents to each of us and we would open them one at a time. I liked this tradition and have passed it down to my family. I think it beats just ripping into the presents. Its taking the time to see what was given. Another tradition we had was driving around town to see the Christmas lights. One of my favorite parts of town was when one neighborhood would put up all the luminaries. It was beautiful. Card playing has always been a big tradition in our family, and not just at the holidays. Many a times I had friends that I would invite to a card party and they would ask if my dad was going to be there, because if he wasn't they didn't want to come! LOL We played spoons one night and almost threw someone down the basement stairs (thus making a rule that the door to the basement must stay closed at all times during card games. hehe) and we started mom's remodeling of the dining room by putting a hole in the wall. We just really wanted to help her out, get her a good start! Coal and nuts received meant that you were not very nice that year. One year while in California for Christmas dad got a bunch of nuts and I think it was MaryEllen that asked if dad was bad!! But somehow nuts and oranges always made it into our stockings, I don't recall when receiving nuts became a good thing!!!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
My other artist
trunk or treating
The kids had such a good time getting ready and dressing up for the ward trunk or treat! What's up with the green hair? Everyone wanted some! The weather was nice, not to cold. it felt like Christmas morning where the kids could not wait for the party to begin. They were changing costumes and putting on makeup by noon! At least it took the edge off of having to wait for Halloween.
Halloween night everyone was pretty much the same, except Alex was now the Thing, and Genaro a ninja. Oh and everyone had pink and green hair! We hit Taco Bell's free black taco night! Yum yum! After the kids finished trick or treating they hunkered down at home while Genaro and i went to a friends birthday party. We had so much fun, we played the Wii for the first time! So nice to get out by ourselves and have some adult time!
Gabby all over again!
Ashley is 6 months here, and they fit her perfectly, Gab was 9 months the first time she wore them!!
family fun
Jesus and Ashley
We really enjoy having a baby in the home. When we are done with her we can give her back to her mommy!!! HeHe
My artist!
first snow!
Roly's deer!!!
October 2 -4th was a special hunt in a few areas of Nebraska. It was for antlerless deer. We discovered the week before the hunt that Rojelio was eligible to hunt (we had previously thought that he had to be 12, but found out it was 10!) So a few days before the hunt, his dad asked if he wanted to go. The weather was nice for them. They went out early in the afternoon and right before coming home the deer made their entrance.
Roly shot first and then Genaro right after him. One of the deer feel into a creek and Genaro had to go in after it. He pulled a muscle in his back while doing it but didn't realize until they started driving home. Needless to say, Papa was hurting when he got home, but that did not stop them from going out the next day with a family friend. Neither Rojelio nor Genaro got another deer but the friend did. They were excited for him because this was his first deer too!! Roly's only complaint was that he was hungry!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Feeding Time!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday drive
We just had to get out of the house Sunday. All weekend we have had a house full of sickos! There is this tower just off of I680 going toward Iowa. We have never been there so we thought that is where we would go. It was not a hard climb at all, and when you got to the top you could see for miles. It was rather pretty. We didn't stay to long just long enough to get all the jitters out and then headed back home!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Happy '10" Birthday Carmen
Carmen turned 10 on Aug. 25! We bbq'd and she had a few friends over to spend the night. Carmen found a butterfly cake pan at a garage sale earlier this year and so we made that for her. I decorated one of the butterflies and she and her friends decorated the other! They had a great time! Happy Birthday my little artist!
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Jesus and Roly
and the older boys are at this end
if ya look closely you can see Alex
Genaro and Ally
Wow, that is interesting!
funny eh?
Vicki and Flor sand Genaro
wanna drink?
my niece Michel
like father like daughter
Carmen and Papa
The hay fight
hmmm how long is this going to take? I'm hungry!
Gerrero, Flor, Michel
hmmm burnt marshmellows, yum daddy!