Saturday, November 7, 2009

Gabby all over again!

When Gabby was about 9 months, my mom and sister made two adorable outfits for her. When we went to California I took them with us and we have pictures of her sitting in Uncle Bill and Aunt Pat's back yard. In one of them she looks like a china doll! I let my sister in law borrow them to take some pictures of Ashley, and when Genaro saw her his exact words were, "it's Gabby"

Ashley is 6 months here, and they fit her perfectly, Gab was 9 months the first time she wore them!!

Doesn't she look cute!

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Jesus and Roly

Jesus and Roly
and the older boys are at this end


if ya look closely you can see Alex

Genaro and Ally

Genaro and Ally
Wow, that is interesting!

funny eh?

funny eh?
Vicki and Flor sand Genaro

wanna drink?

wanna drink?
my niece Michel

like father like daughter

like father like daughter
Carmen and Papa

The hay fight

The hay fight




hmmm how long is this going to take? I'm hungry!

Gerrero, Flor, Michel

Gerrero, Flor, Michel
hmmm burnt marshmellows, yum daddy!