Sure is!! Three of my six kids had the same 3rd grade teacher, Mr. Parsons! He is one of those teachers that goes the extra mile and adapts things to your child's needs. He lived up the street from us for awhile and then life took him to Kansas. Well last week he was up at his house here in Omaha, which just so happens to be up the street from us, and the kids enjoyed visiting with him. They were so excited to see him. You ROCK Mr. Parsons!!! And so does GUS!!! While the kids were there he was telling them about a flower in one of the flower beds. (Genaro will come back and edit this portion because this is how it was told to him)
ther is a cool flawer so cool you can brush your hir with it. that the indinds use it. my frind gave it to us and it needs a lot of era and sun.
COOL HUH??? I had to actually try it out and it worked!!!

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