Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Playing in the snow


"Who do I look like?" Genaro

Peek a boo - Genaro

We had our first really big snow fall about a week ago, the weather was perfect for playing outside. It was actually warm and the kids took advantage of it. They started by building an igloo for each of them, and then you know how siblings behave. It started with someone breaking someone else's and that person of course denying it, and then someone else standing up and swearing that they saw that person do it (although we all know they were on the other side of the house at the time)! By the time it was all said and done there were 3 of the 6 left standing! It was a great time to be outside.

Alex's new bird

They have been with the family for a month or so. Sunshine was getting lonely and we never heard her sing, so it was time to begin the search for a friend. Along comes...."Fart". I guess that is the name Alex has settled on, although it changes from day to day. He could not come up with something naturish that was green and went with Sunshine. Anyone care to throw some ideas out to him?

New Suburban

Well here it is... the new suburban. Genaro loves the power and the color. As long as it wasn't white I think he would have been happy with whatever color it was. We can fit 9 in it, thanks to the bench seat up front, and no that does not mean we are planning on adding on to the fam!! LOL

Some of Genaro's projects

While the construction business has been slow, Genaro has been tackling some things in the house. He made a closet for Gab and Carmen and started painting their room. Not quite finished yet, but hopefully soon! He painted my dining room a beautiful yellow that I love. It is finally no longer neon green. The bright green was nice for a time but I am so glad it is gone. I love the yellow, everytime I look in my dining room I just fall in love all over again!!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Kids Speak

Yes I am stealing this from my cousin Angie and her blog. Cousin? Yes, I have known her my whole life and feel as if she and her siblings are my family and I love them like family too.
Until I come up with a title I like for myself that is unique I am going to continue with her title 'kids speak'. I love to read what her kids have said and think it is a great way to record some of those often funny and precious comments our kids make, and so on that note here is our first 'kids speak'. Thanks Angie!

Alex: Mom do you wish we were superheros?

Mom: What superhero would you be?

Alex: Superman

Mom: Why?

Alex: Because he can fly and go real fast.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY GABRIELA!!! (A little late, Jan 6)

Wow I can't believe my little girl is a teenager! Gab decided to go to a movie with two of her friends. One of the friends mothers agreed to go with them. I spent a whole day talking to the movie theatre to make sure that we had the right time and the right theatre (we needed the one that carried the closed captioning with the cool Mo-picks!) Everything done and feeling confident that things would go well, I left to go get my haircut and sent the girls on their way. By the time I had finished with my appointment it had started to snow a little. When I arrived home I asked Genaro if he would be ready to pick up the pizza within the hour and he informed me that I had been given the wrong time and that the movie would not be over until after 4 pm. I was so upset, because the mother that had gone with the girls had to be at work at 2 and I knew she could not stay. Bless these two wonderful parents of Gab's friends, they worked it out that they would drop the girls off to see their movie and then the other parent would pick them up and bring them back to the house for cake and such. That was just the beginning though... in the meantime mother nature decided that it was going to work against us and we got hit with an ice storm. I had ordered the pizza and sent Genaro to pick it up. He called saying the roads were really bad and he could not get out of the neighborhood. I was like "go figure Genaro, it is only 2 blocks from the house!" So it was all hills, what difference does that make?? I called a friend who has an SUV and asked her if she would pick it up. She said no problem. About 20 min later the hubby made it home along with my brother in law who both said that the roads were horrible and began to tell their horror stories. So I called the friend back and told her to forget it. Called to cancel our pizza, I felt so bad, the manager said they could not deliver either because they had just been told to cancel all deliveries. $65 worth of pizza....well hope the employees enjoyed it. By this time watching the news and looking outside I was getting really worried about the girls getting home. I talked to the one mom who was to bring them and she assured me they would be driving in her hubby's big ole truck with 4 wheel drive and new tires. I was still in tears. I didn't want anyone to get hurt. During all this the mom that dropped the girls off came to the house, she had just gotten home, (1 and 1/2 hours later). As she was leaving the theatre she slipped and feel, then hit another car as she was trying to leave the parking lot, and it took her way longer to get home then it should have. She did not make it to work on time. I felt so bad. Gabby and her friends made it home. Unfortunately the one could not stay so she took cake with her. There was no pizza, but we made due with some yummy tacos! All in all it did not turn out ideal but she had fun, and I am sure it is a birthday she will remember. Happy Birthday Baby!

Getting Caught Up Part 2

Basically this is everything else that went on after the accident. We had a very nice Christmas with Mom and Dad, Genaro's family and our friend Paula. The kids made out with money and gift cards which had Genaro making multiple trips to Target!! HEHE He did not think it to funny and was a little upset with the person whose great idea was to give all the kids gift cards! I had nothing to do with it! :) Genaro's sister Carmen made some killin' tamales this year. I didn't even get any leftovers. The YMCA that I work for had a dinner catered in on the 26th. That was very nice, we didn't have to cook and the food was hot and delicious. New Years was nice as well, would have been nicer had mom and dad stuck around but they hit the hotel that night looking for a good nights sleep before they left. The question is, Did they get it???
So the new year flew in and flew past rather quickly. January has been a blur. I at this time feel like I should be feeling much like my normal self, yet I am still in a lot of pain. Hmmm

Jesus and Roly

Jesus and Roly
and the older boys are at this end


if ya look closely you can see Alex

Genaro and Ally

Genaro and Ally
Wow, that is interesting!

funny eh?

funny eh?
Vicki and Flor sand Genaro

wanna drink?

wanna drink?
my niece Michel

like father like daughter

like father like daughter
Carmen and Papa

The hay fight

The hay fight




hmmm how long is this going to take? I'm hungry!

Gerrero, Flor, Michel

Gerrero, Flor, Michel
hmmm burnt marshmellows, yum daddy!