Monday, February 16, 2009

Getting Caught Up Part 2

Basically this is everything else that went on after the accident. We had a very nice Christmas with Mom and Dad, Genaro's family and our friend Paula. The kids made out with money and gift cards which had Genaro making multiple trips to Target!! HEHE He did not think it to funny and was a little upset with the person whose great idea was to give all the kids gift cards! I had nothing to do with it! :) Genaro's sister Carmen made some killin' tamales this year. I didn't even get any leftovers. The YMCA that I work for had a dinner catered in on the 26th. That was very nice, we didn't have to cook and the food was hot and delicious. New Years was nice as well, would have been nicer had mom and dad stuck around but they hit the hotel that night looking for a good nights sleep before they left. The question is, Did they get it???
So the new year flew in and flew past rather quickly. January has been a blur. I at this time feel like I should be feeling much like my normal self, yet I am still in a lot of pain. Hmmm

Jesus and Roly

Jesus and Roly
and the older boys are at this end


if ya look closely you can see Alex

Genaro and Ally

Genaro and Ally
Wow, that is interesting!

funny eh?

funny eh?
Vicki and Flor sand Genaro

wanna drink?

wanna drink?
my niece Michel

like father like daughter

like father like daughter
Carmen and Papa

The hay fight

The hay fight




hmmm how long is this going to take? I'm hungry!

Gerrero, Flor, Michel

Gerrero, Flor, Michel
hmmm burnt marshmellows, yum daddy!