Sunday, March 1, 2009


I have been thinking about so many memories from my childhood lately. A great part in thanks to 'facebook' and all the wonderful people that I have lost contact with that I am finding again. How wonderful is that! One of the things I have thought about is the fun we would have when we went to Utah. We would stay with our "family" the Porter's. They have six kids. The oldest two are just days younger than my older brother and myself and then the other 4 fall nicely in between my younger siblings, so everyone had someone to hang with. It was home away from home. I would go with Stacey to her friends homes to sleep overs and parties and be treated as one of the gang. How often do you go out of town and end up invited to a sleep over? How cool was that! I don't even remember most of the girls names now, but I remember feeling loved and accepted. You can't remember the Porters without remembering the Cowans!!! Oh I so had a crush on Andy! LOL Who didn't??? That aside we would play hide and seek at night. It seemed like we could go anywhere on the street and all was well! (I wouldn't know if it was or not, but it sure felt like it!!) Those were the days. We ran all over that neighborhood, and I don't recall moms and dads freaking out about where we were because we were there, laughing, screaming, crying, and just having fun!! So many faces, so many memories... Mike's friends Scott, Matt....... Brandon's friend Brandon, and so many more! There was the cousins that lived at the end of the street, and Cindy that lived a few houses down for a time (she used to make us koolaid-maybe that is where I had Grandpa's swamp juice for the first time?? She used to put lemonade with something else. It was never just grape or orange or cherry. It always had lemonade in it.) Grandpa and Grandma Murray, going to their house was always fun! So many memories... so many more. To many to write about. My 'other' family, thanks for all the special times. I love you all so much, you have always been there for me and I want you to know how much that has meant to me over the years. Thanks


Angela Stephens said...

Way too much fun! We always loved to hear that you guys were coming down...although it meant days and days of cleaning! AHHH. Thanks for writing this. are totally welcome to use kid speak. It is a kick to read what kids come up with!

Stacie said...

You have a much better memory than I do. i had forgotten about most of that. Especially the hide and seek at night. That was so fun, and you're right the whole street was fair play, and moms didn't care where we were, there were no worries, they just new we were safe. And everyone on the street played. Fun times.
Though I do remember when you and Jenny and I took the drive up to the houses on the mountain to see the view of the valley. After all of the visits, it was a first for you. I guess we just had to wait to get our licenses.
I have loved facebook though. The fact that we can keep in touch with you guys is fabulous. Even with MaryEllen living here, we don't see her much. This has been great!!

Jesus and Roly

Jesus and Roly
and the older boys are at this end


if ya look closely you can see Alex

Genaro and Ally

Genaro and Ally
Wow, that is interesting!

funny eh?

funny eh?
Vicki and Flor sand Genaro

wanna drink?

wanna drink?
my niece Michel

like father like daughter

like father like daughter
Carmen and Papa

The hay fight

The hay fight




hmmm how long is this going to take? I'm hungry!

Gerrero, Flor, Michel

Gerrero, Flor, Michel
hmmm burnt marshmellows, yum daddy!